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Calling out to graphene-enhanced construction material developers for a new market report!

Calling out to graphene-enhanced construction material developers for a new market report!

We’re happy to announce that we’re working on a new market report, that will focus on graphene-enhanced construction materials – mainly cement, concrete, mortar and asphalt.We are at the final stages of the report, and expect to publish it in a few...

Levidian and Adamant to collaborate on development of graphene-enhanced composite materials

Levidian Nanosystems and Adamant Composites Limited have signed a joint development agreement (JDA) to collaborate on enhancing composite materials with Levidian’s unique graphene.Over the next three years, the two companies will work together to incorporate...

Skeleton Technologies announces new supercapacitor plant near Leipzig

Estonia-based Skeleton Technologies has announced that it is building Europe’s largest supercapacitor production facility in Saxony with the support of Siemens. Skeleton Technologies is investing 220 million euros in the new production facility in Markranstädt, near...

Researchers develop new process for low-cost graphene production

A team of researchers from the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN), Instituto Superior Técnico, have reported a new process to fabricate free-standing graphene using plasma technology, at much lower production cost than the other existing market...