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Graphene/hBN SQUID detects even the faintest magnetic fields

Graphene/hBN SQUID detects even the faintest magnetic fields

Researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland, Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary and National Institute for Material Science in Japan have developed a new, super-small device that is capable of detecting minute magnetic fields.A...

A graphene and hBN ‘sandwich’ could create imrpved sensors and microscopes

Cornell researchers,led by Katja Nowack, assistant professor of physics, used an ultrathin graphene and hexagonal boron nitride ‘sandwich’ to create a tiny magnetic field sensor that can operate over a greater temperature range than previous sensors, while...
Researchers create a mechanically-tunable graphene quantum dot

Researchers create a mechanically-tunable graphene quantum dot

Researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) recently presented what they say is the first mechanically-tunable monolayer graphene QD whose electronic properties can be modified by in-plane nanometer displacements.The ability to precisely manipulate...

Graphene Flagship welcomes sixteen new FLAG-ERA projects

The Graphene Flagship has announced 16 New FLAG-ERA projects, that cover a broad range of topics, from fundamental to applied research. These projects which will become Partnering Projects of the Graphene Flagship – receiving around €11 million in funding...
MIT researchers use graphene and boron nitride to convert terahertz waves to usable energy

MIT researchers use graphene and boron nitride to convert terahertz waves to usable energy

Researchers at MIT are working to develop a graphene-based device that may be able to convert ambient terahertz waves into a direct current. The MIT team explains that any device that sends out a Wi-Fi signal also emits terahertz waves —electromagnetic waves...
Graphene acts as superconductor, insulator and ferromagnet in a single device

Graphene acts as superconductor, insulator and ferromagnet in a single device

A collaborative group of scientists has designed a device that makes use of graphene’s assorted talents: superconducting, insulating, and a type of magnetism called ferromagnetism. The multitasking device could enable new physics experiments, such as research in...