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Special substrates enable large single crystal bi-/tri-layer graphene growth

Researchers of the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM) within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS, South Korea), in collaboration with UNIST and Sungkyunkwan University teams, have reported the fabrication and use of single crystal copper-nickel alloy...
New method uses hydrogen plasma to smooth out wrinkles in graphene

New method uses hydrogen plasma to smooth out wrinkles in graphene

Researchers from Nanjing University in China have developed a method to make large graphene films free of any wrinkles. The ultra-smooth films could enable large-scale production of electronic devices that harness the unique physical and chemical properties of...

Log9 Materials bets on graphene-based aluminium fuel cells for future EVs

India-based Log9 Materials, believes that the key to better EVs is to focus on energy-generation, instead of energy storage. Log9 Materials says that a car powered by aluminium fuel cells can have a range of 1000 km post which the aluminium plates can be replaced...

New graphene-based lithium-air battery may enable longer-running electric cars

Researchers at the Korean Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) have fabricated an electrode using nickel cobalt sulphide nanoflakes on a sulfur-doped graphene, leading to a long-life battery with high discharge capacity. This improvement of...
Directa Plus announces graphene-enhanced asphalt trial at an international airport in Italy

Directa Plus announces graphene-enhanced asphalt trial at an international airport in Italy

Directa Plus has announced that it is planning to launch a trial of graphene-enhanced asphalt at an international airport.The six month trial would take place at Rome’s Fiumicino airport on taxiway Alpha Alpha, a high traffic taxiway used for class E and F...