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A spotlight on the EC’s graphene-enhanced composites for automotive project

Scientists at the UK’s University of Sunderland are leading Task 10.11 – Composites for Automotive, part of the European Commission’s Future and Emerging Technology Flagship. The project is exploring how graphene could be used to create lighter, stronger, safer...

MITO receives a $224,988 grant to develop an additive that enhances the toughness of composite materials

MITO Material Solutions has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant of $224,988 to develop a graphene oxide-based nano-additive that doubles the interlaminar toughness of composite materials utilized in...

Skeleton Technologies and Sumitomo Corporation Europe sign agreement to distribute graphene-based supercapacitors

Skeleton Technologies has announced the signing of a distribution agreement with Sumitomo Corporation Europe, with the aim of providing energy storage solutions for the rapidly growing hybrid electric and electric vehicle industry.In electric vehicles, graphene-based...